TIFA 2022 Editorial / Conflict

Lives On The War

  • Prize
    Bronze in Editorial/Conflict
  • Photographer
    Yuichi Mori
  • Photo Date
    May 2022

Throughout my coverage in Ukraine from April to June 2022, I met many Ukrainian people who have survived the destruction and occupation of the Russian army. Needless to say, they are struggling in the war-torn situation. However, they are living their own lives and fighting for their home country in any way they can. I realized they are not living under the war, living "on" the war. I tried to show the strength and patience of the Ukrainian people through this series of images.

Yuichi Mori is a documentary photographer based in Japan. He used to work in Jordan as an international cooperation volunteer from 2015 to 2017. After that, he started his carrier as a freelance photographer, who covers conflict issues around the world. Until now he has covered Yemen, Palestine, Djibouti, Bangladesh, the Philipines, Greece, Ukraine, etc. The main region and theme of his coverage are Yemen and its surroundings.