TIFA 2023 Portfolio / Fine Art

Tangled Emotions

  • Prize
    Bronze in Portfolio/Fine Art
  • Photographer
    Andres Gallego

This personal project revolves around documenting the emotional landscape of pregnancy and the arrival of a baby through photography. As hand-painted elements are carefully integrated into the canvas, they infuse an artistic depth that elevates the visual storytelling, creating a cohesive narrative that ties the various stories together. The photographs encapsulate the mix of different experiences that are experienced, delving into the individual and shared experiences of the couple, highlighting the challenges, the triumphs and the profound moments of disconnection amidst the chaos.

Born in Spain in 1983, Andrés Gallego began his relationship with photography in 2017. He has found in this art a form of personal expression, which allows him to realice his ideas and projects in a creative and different way. A great lover of photography in all its disciplines, he has found in staged portraits a way of creating parallel worlds in the style of the old masters. Practically self-taught, he has drawn his inspiration from classical painting and from artists such as Eugenio Recuenco, LeTurk, Gregory Crewdson and Kate Woodman, among others.