TIFA 2024 Fine Art / Special Effects

Vases of Light

  • Prize
    Gold in Fine Art/Special Effects
  • Photographer
    Hillary Greene-Pae
  • Technical Info
    30 Seconds Shutter Speed, Iso 100, F-stop At 10, Lens Canon Rf 15mm-35mm@32mm
  • Photo Date

Wanting to explore the connection between light and glass I chose to use the "painting with light" technique. (Long Exposures combined with the use of specialized flashlights). Dressed in black I had to draw the patterns of light while in total darkness. It was quite an adrenaline rush as I had only thirty seconds to "paint". My biggest fear when doing this was not to trip over or knock over these expensive vases! I found the end result mesmerizing to look at.

Hillary Greene-Pae is a practicing clinical psychotherapist and real estate investor. Her interest in photography began when she was a graduate student at UC Berkeley. During her semi-retirement she now has time to pursue her real passion. She enjoys capturing candid moments as well as both being an observer and participant in the process.