TIFA 2024 Editorial / Environmental

Life with a Polluted River

  • Prize
    Silver in Editorial/Environmental
  • Photographer
    Md Shahadat Hossain
  • Technical Info
    Device: Sony Fx3 - Aperture: F/4 - Shutter Speed 1/250 ,iso -800 ,focal Legth 86mm
  • Photo Date

"Observe life in Dhaka, amidst a polluted river. Boats navigate, people work. It reveals how individuals have embraced challenging environments, seamlessly integrating them into our daily existence."

ā€œIā€™m a professional cinematographer from Bangladesh, and photography is my cherished hobby. Filmmaking and photography have always fascinated mebecause they allow me to discover happiness and express myself, especially during times of depression. These creative outlets have brought immense joy and fulfillment into my life.ā€