TIFA 2024 Portfolio / Other

Tiny Planet-Sur-Seine

  • Prize
    Bronze in Portfolio/Other
  • Photographer
    Christian Kleiman
  • Agency / Studio
    Christian Kleiman Photography
  • Technical Info
    Canon Eos 5dmkiii / Sigma 8mm Fisheye Lens / 360 Panoramic Head / Adobe Photoshop / Ptgui Pro

Pushing the medium toward new directions by revealing the hidden landmark of any landscape. Something captivating, as when looking at it closely you will find that it expresses a whole new Microverse. Tiny Planet-sur-Seine covers a series of images that portray a concept of specific locations in Paris Seine Riverbanks, provoking an awakening to see them differently by changing our perception. Along the Seine Riverbanks, in the area between Pont du Sully and Pont de Bir-Hakeim, you can discover some of Paris's most incredible architectural treasures and amazing views.

Christian Kleiman is a photographer who through inspiration and self-teaching evolves continuously by exploring new ways of expression in search of the unheard perspective. His vision strives in provoking an awakening to see the world differently by changing our perception. By revealing the hidden landmark of any landscape. Something captivating, as when looked at it closely you will find that it is expressing a whole new Microverse. A concept of a fragile planet, floating like a bubble in isolation to protect its valuable ecosystem.