TIFA 2024 Nature / Macro

Bumble Bee

  • Prize
    Bronze in Nature/Macro
  • Photographer
    Gavin Klarmann
  • Technical Info
    Iso 220 ; 90mm Macro Lens; F8; 1/1250 Second
  • Photo Date
    28th January 2023

The Bumble Bee is a fascinating insect that contributes to the environment by pollinating flowers, but sadly, is threatened by numerous factors, such as pesticides and threats to its normal habitat. It is becoming an endangered species and The Bumble Bee Conservation Trust issues a valid warning on its website (www.bumblebeeconservation.org), "Without Bumblebees, we could soon face our own crisis." Through my photography, I seek to capture the beauty and the fragile nature of this wonderful insect and hopefully raise awareness of the importance of the bumblebee and the threats that it faces.