TIFA 2024 Portfolio / Fine Art

The Visual Metaphor

  • Prize
    Silver in Portfolio/Fine Art
  • Photographer
    David Willis
  • Agency / Studio
    David Willis Photography

The "Visual Metaphor" is simply defined as the bringing together of two or more images within a composition to illicit visual thought processes in a viewer. Visual metaphors are not defined and used in the same way as verbal metaphors. Responses to visual metaphors are not limited by verbal interpretations and definitions.

I have been a photographer for over 60 years exploring the dynamics of photographic space. My range of experience includes both commercial and fine art work using almost all photographic media from most analogue systems to my work in digital medium over the last ten years. I am a photographic inventor and have created a camera that records a complete 360 degree by 180 degree spherical environment, a RiflePod platform to support telephoto lenses and the Mirrorpod, a lens attachment to produce prismatic imagery. As a photographer I am most interested in ways to expand photographic expression.