TIFA 2024 Special / Science / Technology

The Artist-Scientist Hand Acting On The Microworld

  • Prize
    Bronze in Special/Science / Technology
  • Photographer
    Antonio Molina-Garcia
  • Technical Info
    Samsung Sm-a336b 4.65 Mm F/1.8 1/50 S Iso125. Background: Zeiss Dsn 960 Cryo-sem Microscope
  • Photo Date

The hand of the Artist/Photographer/Scientist acting on the “other side”: the Artwork/ the Image, or in this case, the Microworld which parallels the Macroworld, the whole Universe. Photographs taken with an electron micrograph displayed on a computer screen as a background. The micrograph is a low-temperature scanning electron micrograph from the author, showing a starch granule partially gelatinized by high hydrostatic pressure. Or may be an astronomical scale event?