TIFA 2024 Nature / Sunrise / Sunset

Venice Silent Plea

  • Prize
    Bronze in Nature/Sunrise / Sunset
  • Photographer
    Giovanna Arnaud Fleming
  • Agency / Studio
  • Photo Date

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting hues of crimson and gold across the Venetian skyline, a poignant tableau emerges from the waters below. Silhouettes of figures, timeless and diverse, converge upon a floating stage. Yet, amidst the tranquility of this scene lies an urgent plea. Venice, a city precariously poised at the mercy of rising tides, symbolizes the looming threat of climate change. Its fate mirrors that of countless coastal communities worldwide, teetering on the brink of submersion. Unless we act decisively to combat climate change, Venice's fate may be sealed

A consequence of growing up in mountainous areas is a sensitivity to the subtle cycles and seasonal changes of the landscape. The trees, the rivers, the fields, the snow cover, and the mountains, which show different aspects of themselves from one hour, one day, one season, to the next. The world’s wild places - mountains, glaciers, polar ice – are under increasing pressure, both from climate change and the relentless intrusion of human activities. One way to inspire people to value and make an effort to preserve these areas is by sharing images of them. These images need to convey not only