TIFA 2024 People / Life Style


  • Prize
    Gold in People/Life Style
  • Jury Top 5 Selection

    Tomohide Ikeya We have prepared the following critique comments: This is an excellent work that combines strong social and formal beauty while capturing a moment in everyday life. The series of construction workers resting on the back of a pick-up truck, captured in a unified angle of view and square composition, creates a visual rhythm and tranquillity. The geometric compositional beauty of each cut and the moments of unguarded rest of the people captured in them create an interesting contrast. The photographs of temporary rests at work sites quietly question the relationship between labour and rest and the gap between rich and poor in contemporary society. The juxtaposition of several shots taken from the same angle also succeeds in bringing out aspects of the universal daily life of the workers, beyond the documentary nature of the individual photographs.

  • Photographer
    Thamarong Wanarithikul
  • Technical Info
    Canon 1/1600, F4.0
  • Photo Date

The construction workers were resting in the back of trucks while en route to their worksites.