TIFA 2024 Fine Art / Minimalism

It's all in the shape: outlines of leaves/berries

  • Prize
    Bronze in Fine Art/Minimalism
  • Photographer
    Den Reader
  • Technical Info
    Nikon D780 / Full Frame. 60mm Nikkor 2.8 Macro Lens. Mainly 400 Iso, F29, 8-60 Secs.
  • Photo Date

An attempt to reveal the infinitely varied shapes of the plant kingdom.

My fascination with photography began at the age of 10, and has burned ever more strongly throughout my life. In recent years my focus has been on images expressing beauty in decay - whether leaves or rusty keys - and aiming for color saturation through long exposures in subdued daylight. Portfolios of my work have been published in photo magazines around the world, and my images are marketed by some of the world's leading photo libraries - notably as book covers. I have lived in Norfolk, UK, since 1985.