TIFA 2024 Advertising / Automotive


  • Prize
    Silver in Advertising/Automotive
  • Photographer
    Cheraine Collette

Rare and iconic Jaguar classics photographed at the private collection of Museum METROPOLE, the Netherlands. Echoing the elegance of the rare black and South American Jaguar (Panthera Onca), creatures as elusive and majestic as the cars themselves. This series not only celebrates the beauty and heritage of these icons but also serves as a reminder of our responsibility to preserve the natural habitats that nurture such rare and magnificent creatures. Drawing parallels between the value of our mechanical and natural heritages.

Cheraine’s work has been published by NG China Traveler, twice in 2020, and is featured by FORBES, My Modern Met, National Geographic, The Wallace Collection Museum, and many more. Cheraine's educational background includes a degree in Photographic Design from the University of Applied Photography (Fotovakschool, Netherlands), completed between 2012 and 2015. Her commitment to continuous learning led her to earn certificates in 'Modern and Contemporary Art and Design Specialization' and 'Seeing Through Photographs', and several others from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA, New York) in 2024.